Breast cancer survivor patients
at Oasis of Hope Hospital
The Place for Alternative Cancer Treatment
at Oasis of Hope Hospital
Oasis of Hope was founded by Dr. Contreras’ father, Dr. Ernesto Contreras, Sr. in 1963, and since then the hospital has provided alternative cancer treatment for more than 100,000 patients from 60 nations.
** Testimonial Disclaimer: The cancer treatment results and efficacies presented in this testimonial are specific to the individual patient and may not be typical or representative of results that other patients may achieve. Please note that outcomes of cancer treatments or therapies are not guaranteed, and individual results may vary depending on several factors, including but not limited to medical history, pre-existing conditions, age, lifestyle, and adherence to program instructions. Therefore, you should not expect to obtain the same results as the patient featured in this testimonial.
Breast Cancer Survivors
All treatments at Oasis of Hope are administered within the context of a complex and sophisticated Contreras Alternative Cancer Treatment (C-ACT), proven to work in multiple complementary ways to boost the sensitivity of tumor cells to cytotoxic destruction while minimizing damage to normal tissue.
Oasis of Hope’s philosophy is not just to treat the cancer but to also treat the person – the psychological and spiritual needs of the patient are fundamental and as worthy of attention as the physical needs.
Kristen James, Breast Cancer Survivor**
“In January 2015, I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. I talked to many doctors and felt as if there was no hope. That’s when I found the book Beating Cancer by Dr. Contreras. After reading the book in one night, followed by much prayer, I felt like Oasis of Hope was the path God had for me. I chose to have no treatments in the US, and I headed straight for Tijuana. I had surgery to remove my tumor, which they used to program my dendritic cell vaccine. Then I went through the scheduled treatments at Oasis of Hope.
The environment was very spiritual and uplifting. The staff was friendly and always willing to answer questions. I talked with other patients, listened to their stories and found encouragement in returning patients stories. We all supported and encouraged each other as we were all in this together. We would have treatments in the morning and often take walks on the beach together in the afternoon.
I left Oasis of Hope cancer free and am still in complete remission. I have made friends that I will remember forever. People often call and ask about my experience and if I would make the same choice again. My answer is always 100% yes. I am so glad that God provided me with Dr. Contreras’ book that led me to México. I can never thank Dr. Contreras and his staff enough for all they have done for me.”
Alicia Harrison, Breast Cancer Survivor**
Listen to this Stage 4 Beast Cancer Survivor Story from Alicia Harrison, a current patient at the Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico an Alternative Cancer Treatment Center. Oasis of Hope specializes at combining conventional cancer therapies with alternative cancer treatments to improve the quality of life of patients.
Michelle Frisch, Breast Cancer Survivor**
Oasis of Hope praises God for Michelle’s victory over breast cancer. Michelle shares some interesting thoughts about her path to healing that lead her through Oasis of Hope.
Freda Eash, Breast Cancer Survivor**
With the help of God and Oasis of Hope, Freda Eash has been victoriously fighting breast cancer since 2014.
Melissa Knott, Breast Cancer Survivor**
Listen to this Stage 4 Beast Cancer Survivor Story from Melissa Knott, patient at the Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico an Alternative Cancer Treatment Center. Oasis of Hope specializes at combining conventional cancer therapies with alternative cancer treatments to improve the quality of life of patients. For more information about Stage 4 Breast Cancer Treatment at Oasis of Hope Hospital.
Nita Long, Triple Negative Breast Cancer**
Hear Nita’s story about her journey through breast cancer and the amazing treatment she discovered at the Oasis of Hope Hospital.