24 01, 2013

Laughter at the Cellular Level


When you laugh, this is an overview of how your body changes at the cellular level: Cells that produce antibodies increase in number. Cells that combat viruses fall into formation and get ready for battle. All of this is the direct result of a good joke! No wonder comedians like George Burns live so long! [...]

Laughter at the Cellular Level2024-09-06T09:44:34-07:00
15 01, 2013

What is Alternative Medicine? Part 1


In general, alternative medicine is anything that has not been tested, approved, recommended or condoned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the American Medical Association (AMA) of the United States of America. The United State’s medical system is benchmark for the rest of the world, an anything  that is approved by the FDA [...]

What is Alternative Medicine? Part 12024-09-06T09:44:35-07:00
9 01, 2013

Reducing your stress factors: Learn from Nurses


ARE YOU STRESSED out? You’re not alone. More than 75 percent of all Americans see their lives as being too complex. Work and family stress pile on fatigue and stress-related emotions and can create a looming sense of hopelessness and futility. The causes of stress and anger are many. Here are the top ten reasons [...]

Reducing your stress factors: Learn from Nurses2024-09-06T09:44:36-07:00
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