27 03, 2014

Chronic Stress and Immune Suppression


There is no greater cancer control agent than your own immune system. In fact, if the system is functioning perfectly, it's actually impossible for cancer to proliferate and develop into tumors. Among its many different cells with different tasks - monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, T cells, B cells, are natural killer (NK) cells, antitumor effectors [...]

Chronic Stress and Immune Suppression2024-09-06T09:43:55-07:00
18 03, 2014

Cure to Cancer Conference


Did you know there are 40 million people in the US right now diagnosed with cancer, and millions more around the world, and most of them do not have the insurance, finances, or ability to go through conventional treatment in a traditional hospital? Did you also know that many people around the world are reversing [...]

Cure to Cancer Conference2024-09-06T09:43:57-07:00
29 10, 2013

10 Easy Steps to an Active Lifestlye


Here are some tips that can help you move from a sedentary lifestyle two more active one. To begin, just move of more. Becoming an active person can involve thousands of tiny little choices you make throughout your day to move around. See if these ideas can spark other ideas. 1. Start taking the stairs [...]

10 Easy Steps to an Active Lifestlye2024-09-06T09:44:08-07:00
22 10, 2013

Use it or Lose it


Scientists once believed that as a species, what we stopped using we would eventually lose. If that were true, we would be in serious trouble. People as a whole are more sedentary and overweight than ever before. Given the extensive research substantiating the numerous health benefits of regular exercise doesn't change this fact that many [...]

Use it or Lose it2024-09-06T09:44:09-07:00
26 06, 2013

Change our Thinking about Cancer


By Dr. Francisco Contreras The enormous failure of conventional therapies are not the result of procedures themselves, but why and how they are used. First, the application is supported on a false premise: Cancerous tumors are the disease. In reality, the tumors are but a symptom of a metabolic failure that allowed them to grow. [...]

Change our Thinking about Cancer2024-09-06T09:44:17-07:00
21 05, 2012

Job’s Restoration


Job 42:10 Job’s spectacular turnaround isn’t just a reward for righteousness but also a joyous act of God’s generosity. The fact that God owes us nothing has never deterred him from giving us everything, freely and graciously (cf. 2Co 9:7). Notice that Job’s restoration comes only after he forgives his friends and prays for them. [...]

Job’s Restoration2024-09-06T09:45:26-07:00
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